Wednesday, January 26, 2011



I do not have a zone given because I have the statute of auto--entrepreneur. I started in Picardy. Today, I am in Sydney, because I work on three projects in News Galle of the South. Previously, I had a contract in Victoria.

Until now, I advised farmers or future farmers. I have 3 fields of competence:

- I help with the installation abroad. Since December, I install farmer in Australia and in Ukraine.

- to solve problems of management. The farmer sees the arrived difficulties. He wants to change his system of production. It needs a solution. He calls on my services.

- marketing, the Farmer has a new plan (tourism, direct change of production, sale). I study the feasibility of the project as well as best of orientation, the sales strategy, to see communication. My speciality is the creation of gathering self-service to the farm.

Well Cordially

Vivien Legrand

Commodity Intelligence Reports - USDA-FAS, Office of Global Analysis (OGA)

World Agricultural Production News Feed from USDA, FAS-OGA